CASA GRANDE, Ariz. – A huge slate of games is on deck this weekend for the Real Salt Lake-Arizona Academy and Elite teams as they take part in the final round of Generation adidas Cup qualifying and the SC del Sol President’s Day Tournament, respectively.
After a disappointing performance last weekend in Southern Caliofrnia, Real Salt Lake-Arizona Academy U-15/16 (1-0-1) returns to Carson for the final three games of 2015 Generation adidas Cup qualifying.
RSL-AZ U-15/16 face off against the LA Galaxy (0-1-1), Seattle Sounders FC (0-2-0) and the Portland Timbers (1-0-1), needing to finish in first or second place in the West Region in order to qualify for the “GA” bracket against international competition in April.
Back in Phoenix, Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-17 and U-18 prepare for a huge weekend of competition in the 36th Annual SC del Sol President’s Day Tournament. Facing competition from around the country and with hundreds of college coaches in attendance, the Elites will be looking to impress under the bright lights.
Follow along with this weekend’s Elite games live on Twitter @GrandeSportsA and bookmark for a recap of all of the weekend’s action after it has gone down.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Indiana Fire vs. Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-17 (6:00 p.m. Reach 11 Field 15)
Real Salt Lake-Arizona Academy U-15/16 vs. LA Galaxy (6:00 p.m. StubHub Center Track and Field Facility)
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-18 vs. FFC Black Diamond (1:45 p.m. Reach 11 Field 18)
Real Salt Lake-Arizona Academy U-15/16 vs. Seattle Sounders FC (2:30 p.m. StubHub Center Field 4)
Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-17 vs. FC Stars (5:15 p.m. Reach 11 Field 16)
Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-18 vs. Windy City Pride (8:45 p.m. Reach 11 Field 8)
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-17 vs. Scottsdale Blackhawks (1:45 p.m. Reach 11 Field 15)
Alaska Northstars vs. Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-18 (3:30 p.m. Reach 11 Field 17)
Potential Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-17 Consolation Game (7:00 p.m. Reach 11 Field 15/16)
Monday, February 16, 2015
Real Salt Lake-Arizona Academy U-15/16 vs. Portland Timbers (9:00 a.m. StubHub Center Field 4)
Potential Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-18 Playoff Game (10:15 a.m. Reach 11 Field 8/10)
Potential Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-17 Playoff Game (12:00 p.m. Reach 11 Field 13/14)
Potential Real Salt Lake-Arizona Elite U-18 Consolation Game (12:00 p.m. Reach 11 Field 9/10)